Monday, November 07, 2005

Moblogging the Paris riots?

Have anyone seen moblogging from France lately?

well.. there are some pics at Flickr

But compared to the London bombing it's not much, and more important for this blog:its not mobilephotos.

Write me a line at if you know some moblogsite covering the Paris Riots.

the censorship police has already passed through the Parisian blogsphere. Many blogs containing live pictures of the riots were censored.

If this is true.. (but how can it be?), it might give the answer to the lack of moblogs of the french riots.

the censorship police has already passed through the Parisian blogsphere. Many blogs containing live pictures of the riots were censored.

Well. if this is the case, dont hesitate to create an account at - we wont censor moblogging from the riots.

If you already moblog somewhere else, or know of someone who is, send me a mail or post a comment.

UPDATE 2: Mobloggers at Skyblog where arrested. (Reuters)



Blogger Flying_Monkeys said...

I heard this morning on French radio, that the government has been sweeping through the blogs and eliminating all the pictures. They think this incites more violence.
The problem often times the bloggers will post some remark or comment that can be taken for a citation to incite to disorder and there u go, blog becomes offline!

8:42 AM  
Blogger Flying_Monkeys said...

10:20 AM  
Blogger Muzagga said...

Interesting. And I can see the 404's (although I dont know what "is not there")

Do you know of any moblogging from the riots?

12:43 PM  

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