Friday, September 30, 2005

Testusers wanted for new moblog / movlog

Did I mention you can send both pictures and movies (3gp)?

So it's both moblog and movlog . We have had succesfull blogging from Ireland, Great Britain, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands and Egypt


Thursday, September 29, 2005

Testusers needed for new moblog

Finally, the first betalaunch. Now we need testusers from abroad (that is- mobloggers using non swedish mobile operators) !

Feel free to create a moblog at

We still have som translations to be done, some featusers to add, but we figure we shuld have enough for our first launch.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Celebrity Moblog

Did you know that Jamie Oliver Moblogs? I had no idea, and was somewhat expecting less clothes from "the naked chef"... Seriously, its a cool feature that "spices" up is blog.

And no... Jamie is not a testuser for (but he's more than welcome, naked or not)



Vlog and Movlog

Found this very interesting "blog about vlogs"

Cant say I have read all of it, but the term Movlog seems to be there :-)


Why Moblog part 3

BEN has some interesting thoughts about why he Moblogs. I agree, and my guess is that most mobloggers can agree? We are not all attentionseeking copywriters or professional photographers.

I like tis part the most:"I figure I do at least one interesting or different thing a day. Sometimes it's a real challange trying to find what that interesting thing is - and having this goal of moblogging the day makes me search for it."

I could (or should) have written that.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Albums and tagging

Interesting article about what happens when you moblog without using albums or tagging.

"Contrary to the traditional ways of storing images, moblogs inflexibly impose the chronological order."

-Jiizus, where did he moblog?


At we have albums, private and public. What we dont have (yet) is the nicer tag-clouds etc as can be seen on big photo/video sharing sites such as flickr, Vimeo and youtube.


Monday, September 26, 2005

Why Moblog part 2

Uses of phonecam

Interesting article touching the subject below "Why moblog"

All things in this article can be shared via moblog. Guess "sharing" is the keyword -If you dont want to share you dont want to blog.

Blog, moblog, Vlog or Movlog?

Today the the word "blog" is accepted and understood.

Now comes Vlog (blogging with movies instead of text) and moblog (using your mobile phone to blog )

But what if you use your moblog to post videos (taken with the phone)?.


Is it important what we call it? Or is it just constraining to put a new label on beacuse we found new uses and features? Maybe we should just stay with "blog", and let that include text and all types of mediafiles posted in a bloggish-style?

It's funny, how new words and terms emerge. You know you have come up with something new when there is no words for it.

Have a look at every week and see if the word movlog will survive

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Why Moblog?

This is a good question with many answers:

- To share your life (like textblogging with pictures). Your Audience is everybody

-Practical reasons - for all long distance communication where a picture can play an important role,( send postcards while travelling, and create a traveling journal. should I buy this car? Is this the house we are looking for? see my kids grandma! heres my dog! my new haircut!) Your Audience is somebody.

For what sites can a moblog software be interesting?

-Datingservices (this is what I look like, and this is my house)
-Buy/sell services (this sofa i'd like to sell)
-For events. (this is the pictures you all took at the company picninc)
-News sites (this picture just came in)

Saturday, September 17, 2005

in english

Oh yes, we are working on an english version of

And thinking of a cool name. Uniqe to be found easy on google.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Moblog - test users needed

how it works

To publish to is easy - simply follow these three steps:

1- register an account (your name will be your blogname:
2- take a pic with your camera phone
3- send them as a MMS to

Questions? e mail

Short glossary

användarnamn = username
lösenord= password
Förnamn = first name
efternamn= family name
Födelseår= birth
kön= gender
mobiltelefonnumer = mobile phe number

kommantarer = comments
radera = erase
rotera = rotate
hantera album = work with albums
Rubrik = headline
Skicka = send/post
Lägg till i favoriter = add to favourits
bevaka = subscribe (via mail)
tipsa en kompis = tell a friend
betygstätt = vote/rate
skriv kommentar = post a comment
senaste kommentar =newest comments
senast uppdaterade album = recent albumchanges
Mest aktiva - most active
blogga in = blog in
lösenord= password
glömt lösenord= forgot your password
visa ett album =show album
visa en medlems blog = show a members blog

Frågor och svar = FAQ
Bli medlem= join
om = about
så här funkar det = this is how it works
sök= search
tema = theme

Second post about a moblog

This is the second post

still about a moblog mobilblog. Its a swedsih moblog you can find at

Its easy, register and send your picture MMS to


hear me roar...