Friday, January 27, 2006

The market potential for moblogging

While mobilephones are getting more common, man as a social creature still is the same- we WANT to tell the world things we are proud or angry or happy about. Communication and social interaction is basic needs, as is food, sleep and love.

Cameraphones is the latest tool to be adopted by man to do this.

That said, exactly HOW people are gonna use these tools, is an open question. What will appeal to most people, is interaction with other people with similar interests. Like in any community on the web, or any social structure IRL. Something must be shared, an interest, a common experience, a common goal.

No successful community is for everybody all the time. Services providing limited scope, narrower target groups (like body builders) are likely to be more succesfull.
(of course, broader scope, like we have at will still be attractive to some, shared interst is: "I wanna moblog")

All in all, there is room for multiple platforms for this. Flickr, Shozu, fotochatter,, textamerica and so on. Each with their feature, or group of users, or whatever will make them differ.

Since all this is very new to people, we lack the proper words to describe it (at least I do). What I mean, I lack a word to describe, identify and separate Flickr from Shozu, textamerica from fotochatter.

Some still argue what a moblog is. (I'm not sure fotochatter is, and they dont call themselves by that name. They describes themselves "a mobile social network for image sharing". Flickr on the other hand is a "online photo management and sharing application" but still ends up in moblog discussions, articles and recently tests - with rightly shitty scores, because they are not a moBLOG)

Millions are moblogging even before the word is known by most people.*

That shows potential.

What will happen when moblogging gets more attention in mainstream media? We will soon know- it is happening right now, at least in Scandinavia.

*(well, to be honest, most peolpe dont know what a blog is, we tend to forget that)



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