Thursday, February 09, 2006

Open-for-all-moblogs v.s. open-for-some-moblogs

Alfie Dennen, of got a mail from Ewan MacLeod asking what Alfies opinion about 3's"myGallery" is.

Alfie has a lot to say, but not many nice things:

"Even reading the text in the intro you know the problem? It's marketing speak, plain and simple, rather than letting the product speak for itself by just *being there*, being open.

You cant even go in and have a poke around unless you join! The other really crazy thing, a lesson yet to be learned by MNO's I think, is that you should not be charging your users over and above the already steep messaging odds just to share their content online.

3 mygallery charges 3 TIMES the standard messaging rate! And even then only gives you 10mb free storage.

My final gripe, and boy I do seem to love to gripe :) is; what does one 3 user have in common with another? What is their communal bond? Bugger all, MNO's should build these things and keep them open IMO, and in that way reach other networks users and have a better chance of tempting them over to their network.

By keeping it open and letting it grow, without overcharging users, and letting a community grow organically, they will end up with something of real value, a community, rather than trying to derive its' value from direct and immediate revenue. It's the old "the power of a network derives from it's nodes" net adage."

Read the original post at

I have no objections to what Alfie says, but still feel I should add something in defense of 3, and that is that Alfie argues from a community perspective that 3 might not have. Maybe 3 is good enough for "online photo albums"? (well, no it isn't, its too pricy)

The dilemma for 3, and all other carriers, or phone manufacturers such as Nokia, is that company policies hinder them from developing something like an "open for all moblog". Instead, they are constrained to build for their customers only.

The plan is to tie their customers closer to them, maybe even making them sort of "addictives" of their services. But it's bound to fail and will only create badwill.

Would you like to loose your moblog just because you switched operator? Because you bought a new phone? No. So you don't even start moblogging under such premises, do you? Nope, you dont. So all money spent by 3 is lost (but they are getting it back from traffic created by operator independent moblog outfits, like :-)



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