Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Sony Ericsson and Blogger

I have earlier been complaining about the lack of moblog initiatives from Sony Ericsson. But here is one!

Sony Ericsson have released a new brand- the cyber shot for K800 and K790 cameraphones, with built in mobloggingfeatures. Apparently, the cybershot have the option to "blog" a picture, instead of just send as MMS/Email/bluetooth/IR. (Sound a bit like a pre-installed Shozu).

The blogging option works with - tadaaa- googles blogtool, also known as blogger.

Another very nice feature is the BestPic function, that delivers 9 pics - 4 before and 4 after you press the button, and obviously one when you do.. :-)

This sure as hell is interesting. Not just that Sony Ericsson takes moblogging seriously, that was bound to happen. But the partnership with google. Who could have guessed that a few years ago?

Now I wonder, will it stop here - forcing all Cybershotusers to moblog at blogger, or can the Cybershot be configured to blog to other moblogs and photosharingsites, like textamerica,, Flickr and

Via the Inquirer



Blogger Andy said...

The open versus closed debate seems to be hotting up (see for more discussion).

One thing we've recognised with ShoZu is that it doesn't really make sense to install an application in a phone that only works with a single online service. Consumers already use a wide range of online services for blogging, photo sharing etc., and are unlikely to switch readily just because their phone links to a different one.

Equally, it's not really practical for a handset manufacturer to install multiple applications that all do the same thing - one for each of its big brand partners.

We think the answer is an open application, that dynamically configures itself to work with the user's choice of online service. Foe example, ShoZu switches features on or off, and changes menu text, depending on which photo / video sharing site the user has selected.

Andy Tiller
CTO Cognima (creators of ShoZu)

11:35 AM  
Blogger Muzagga said...

Thanks for the link. Wrote a comment there...

And of corse, you are right. My guess is that it is -as always- about money.

1:06 AM  

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