Monday, October 17, 2005

No news?

The sites and Blogs I found (using technorati) specifically writing about Moblogging are often pretty good , or actually very good, BUT -Not updated. They seem to be asleep.

Is nothing happening?

Is moblogging as a standalone phenomenon not cool enough to draw attention anymore?

Well, I have to answer that last question by saying - yes and no.

NO- It's not cool enough in itself among the (as they sometimes are called) alpha geeks. They now talk about Web 2.0 where moblogging plays an important part of something larger. But gains little attention in itself. It's meshed up with bloggtools, flickr and so on.

YES- It's cool (or hot ) enough in itself because it is being discovered by the the non-geeks (beta geeks?), the people we want as users. And they think it's fantastic. (or do they...?:-)
It could also be said this way:

Moblogging is not, and has never been, a phenomenon in itself worth fulltime attention. When moblogging in its purest form, defined as posting a picture taken by cameraphone via MMS/mail on the web, was done for the first time, it was over.

From there it was blogging. With pictures. Using the phone.

If your interest is moblogging, study blogging (which includes moblogging)or maybe the development of cameraphones, as for example on . The difference isn't important anymore.

What is being said about moblogs has alrady been said about blogs (You know-the speed, the user friendliness, the bottom -up newsflow/citizen journalism. the threats and possibilities of this and what will happen when anybody for free can say anything?)

That may be the answer to why such nice blogs as and fell asleep.

Moblogging is getting mainstream and everywhere, like e-mail. Nobody has a blogg covering the development from the "E-mail industry"...



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